Al fine di rendere sempre migliore questo Forum, e visto che dall'altra parte del filo c'è un team e una software chiedo cortesemente di Scrivere quì eventuali problemi che riscontrate. Al fine di rendere la segnalazione efficace...oltre al BUG scrivete anche che sistema operativo usate e il software installato. così riesco a spiegare con dettagli il perchè di certi problemi...e risolveri in maniera efficace! NON sono uno sviluppatore quindi portate pazienza....
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@Greta Galubauskaitė I can't receive any email confirmation also if I change my email address (from yahoo to gmail or vice versa)...suggestions?
@Greta Galubauskaitė Enrico has something wrong in his setup or mail.... he is not able to receiving notifications
@ebo leggi ora le notifiche?
One more thing:)
As mentioned, now Wix Forum team is focused hardly on the restricted categories feature. @Gianpaolo, if you feel that you have a need to set privacy in particular categories ( let's say you want to separate your audience and content) please let me know and we will schedule the time for remote testing :) You would get few prototypes and decide which one works & feels better. I have to underline that the NEED for the test is a must. If you don't have this need, we can invite you to test other future releases. The same invitation applies to forum moderators / contributors.
For the members of the Trilobiti forum - If anyone feels that you want to share something insightful / painful related with forum or in general - with communities / people relationships in social media or any other forums, I can invite you to the 20 -30 min interview. Just let me know the time you'd like to talk :)
Now have a wonderful and sunny weekend! :))
Thank's @Greta Galubauskaitė we fix It
OK Ragazzi La feature é stata aggiornata...da oggi dovreste essere capaci di vedere tutto del vostro profilo, dagli ordini, al setup della mail etc...
@Greta Galubauskaitė can you give us an update about the technical improvement on this platform? There is a calendar previewed about the updates?
Thanks a lot!
Hello Greta, have you some updates to give us about our "requests" to improve the site?
Thanks a lot, and wish you a good day.
@Greta Galubauskaitė , there is a way to insert a functionality that give the possibility to translate the text in other languages (like french and english) as available in other platforms (as Wordpress)? This can help us to give more visibility of our thematic also to non-italian interested people.
I know that it is possible to use the Google Translate services as visible below:
@Greta Galubauskaitė , I've found that when I "pin" a new thread, there is a "double" visible just above. Is it normal?
IO come amministratore posso flaggare i post voi non sò...non penso..
@Gianpaolo secondo te si può chiedere la possibilità di marcare i post preferiti in segnalibri accessibili magari chessò... dal profilo? O c'è già qualcosa di simile?
Greta, this can be considered as a secondary request: - possibility to highlight the text with different colors (basic colors) and not only in bold underlined etc etc
- I don't know if this is fixed, but long time ago (in a far galaxy...) we noticed some limitations in the title text, that accept only a short number of characters, obliging in some summarizing exercises to fit as best as possible the introductory text.
@Greta Galubauskaitė now with Firefox if you click in the newly update at bottom of can't open the correlated post. ;(
Sulla versione per cellulare, sistema operativo Android, ieri mi è capitato di loggarmi ripetutamente, eppure il sistema mi considerava non loggato. Morale della favola, non sono riuscito ad accedere al mio account.
Hi Greta and welcome to the forum. I have many issues on the mobile Version. Sometimes I have difficulties in catching the upper Button clicks so I have to try many times to get things done. Also, if I open the lower menu For accident and re-close it, when I come back the message I am writing goes down under the Virtual keyboard. These can be considered minor issues anyway, Just to let You know.
Is there any to make the forum Tapatalk compatibile? I am not able to make it work That way. Because sometimes I miss email notifications in my mail mess :-)
Sino ad ora non mi risulta aver perso notifiche.
Pure io ho riscontrato il problema del non ricevere aggiornamenti sui post alla mail, ma non per tutti.
Today we had an active brainstorming day about our top communities ( which are you as well) needs/issues. As we constantly get many of them, we have to prioritise them wisely. Your feedbacks are included and later I will make a ''vote system'' where you could be able to see another suggestions of other top communities as well. If you'd like to participate in that feedback research, leave me your email and I will reach out to you.