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This is a nice and super strange Devonian Trilobite Walliserops maybe trifurcatus from Foum Zguild. the Fork of this Walliserops is a short but not shorter as W.hammi. It was prepared with high quality care. It has some glued parts and minor restorations in the fork. It was separate from trilobite body, was clean and prepared flying. We assume it belogns to the same animal.

Was resto just a small ammount in the fork.



NO deceptions, not % but just the Truth


Walliserops trifurcatus? (Pierre Morzadec, 2001)


Timrhanrhart Formation

Foum Zguild




Devonian Trilobite Walliserops trifurcatus? (Pierre Morzadec, 2001)

€ 800,00Price
  • Block size: 6 cm x 7 cm trilobite: 5 cm about

    restoration: the connection from cephalon and fork is restored and some glued  parts

    preparator: Alex Zagar

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Trilobite Design Italia and Scientificmodels are website made by Di Silvestro Gianpaolo Aurisina TS  ITALY P.I 01265210326

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