Kuckaraukia multituberculata
Vendian 557 - 600 m.a
Asha Group
Basa FormationKulgunino city
Kuckaraukia multituberculata (A. A. Razumovskiy et. al.,2015)
€ 450,00Price
size: 8 cm x 7 cm fossil 2 cm (diameter)
restoration: n.n
Kuckaraukia multituberculata gen. et sp. nov. could be interpreted as a unitary organism or as a colony of motionless benthic organisms.A.A. Razumovskiy et al., Kuckaraukia multituberculata: A New Vendian Fossil from the Basa Formation of the Asha Group in the South Urals. ISSN 00310301, Paleontological Journal, 2015, Vol. 49, No. 5, pp. 449–456